I am currently stuck in the Newark airport due to "weather"....meaning there wasnt a storm until 5 hours after it was delayed so they can blame it on weather to avoid compensating for hotels or the flight. I'm spending the night in the Newark airport - i've never done that before. Nor have I ever had these issues with as much flying as i've done. My flight is at 8 am to DC then home... finally.
Otherwise I had a great time in New York, aside from the monsoon season they seem to be experiencing in late June... I modeled in the rain for 2 hours which was fun. I also modeled with my good friend Melanie who is one of the best art models in my opinion and a wonderful photographer. She is currently 7 months pregnant. We modeled for Constantine - who is just a beautiful person inside and out along with a very talented painter/sketch artist/photographer. I had a wonderful time with both of them. The photos are going to be unbelievable - I just know it.
Thursday my great friend James Graham and I hung out. Enter George Pitts around 6:30 pm telling us the news that Michael Jackson had died. Floored. I couldnt believe it. An American icon, innovator, and musical genius wasnt here anymore.
James shot George shooting me in his apartment. We went out to dinner afterward and they were playing Michael's songs - which was pretty damn great. Walking back to the apartment we saw a bunch of kids with a boombox on the corner dancing to his music. It was epic. George and James are great company during an iconic loss.
So here's to Newark Liberty fucking Airport and my dark little corner I found far away from people. - I always see the positive side to everything - typically.
And RIP Michael - you were a legend.

Photo by Ron Skei in Vancounver, BC about 2 weeks ago. He said I smell like flowers. :P