His i.q. is 41. He is Moderately mentally challenged on the levels of : Mild, Moderate, Profound, and Severe. His mind is that of a 2 1/2 year old. The recommendation for progression is one on one care in school, at home, and at therapy. Problem with that is the integrated school he goes to is a giant piece of shit and we dont think there is an aid with him while he is there a lot of the time when it's crucial he needs this otherwise he is just flapping his arms and going around in circles with overload. He needs direction and a small classroom so the good news to that is, he has been accepted to a school (for the fall) that specializes in developmentally disabled kids. The classroom has a maximum of 8 kids so he will get the aid and attention he needs. So now that we have a foundation to work from the actual work starts.
I'm indifferent about this simply because of the fact we've been told he was Autistic for 3 years now and now they are saying basically; "yeah well pretend that never happened." So I need to ignore what has been shoved down my throat and know that he is just moderately mentally challenged which is a great thing but it's a transition. Also we will continue to argue with the school and pay visits to them making sure he has an aid there. It's maddening how broken the school systems are and they only really care about money.
Aside from that it's a productive and new day. He can only go up from here and I couldnt be more thrilled. I have some personal thoughts that i'm going to keep to myself but clarity has been achieved and it feels like we've broken through the proverbial brick wall.

My sweet little bundle of joy.